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Monday, November 28, 2016

City Guide: 5 ways to find your way around Kigali

Hi there lovely people.
I can't believe it's been almost a year since I last wrote on here.
So to compensate it here are some of the tips I have learnt throughout the year on how to go about knowing places around Kigali.
You can bond over your favorite cup of coffee or tea if you like.

1. Find locals and befriend them

It's no secret that in order to familiarize yourself it's wise to have a local take you around.
This might be tricky if you don't know people at first. But if you meet someone who you feel comfortable with don't hesitate to talk to them because you might learn a lot from them in your to understand the place. I must confess, the most places I have come to love and frequent is because of friends who directed me there or went with me to the particular place.
As hilly as it looks walking on foot can give you a better perspective of places.

2. Get walking

Walking has proven to be my most go-to solution when I am trying to know a place. First I do it for fitness, to distress and also to see things at slow pace when I am unhurried. Weekends for me sound just about right. I can squeeze in enough time and walk as far as my legs can take me on an aimless whim for sheer discovery or just purposefully walk to a new place I heard about.
Don't be fooled by the hills, I was surprised to find how short distances can be if only I give it a try.
A solo walk can help you learn about places in a longer time so sometimes if you have friends around the walk can be much more faster and less stressful if you intend to go further.

Get walking but keep your feet warm especially on cold days. This was taken on a hot lazy day. Comfy walking shoes would be an added advantage.

3. Online platforms help a lot sometimes

To be honest getting around is a lot easier when using social media. In the sense that when you ask using a hashtag such as #RWOT on Twitter you could get a substantially reasonable response or you could try Facebook. My best bet however on getting around using online is this website Living in Kigali. Honestly there is a chock-full of information going on there and if you are in a hurry and not planning a long stay in Kigali that could help you familiarize yourself with as many info you would need in one seating. However, you could go to a library or bookstore and read about places around although I am not sure if there is a lot out there written about Kigali so that's why I chose to stick with the online title as a safe bet. But hey, it's better to try and found out than just rule it out as if it were nonexistent.

Bus rides that are guided are a great way to learn deeper histories of a places.

4. Find out about guided tours

Another way I recently found out was going on community tours which are primarily based on walking. The tour guide gives you some history about the place, shows you places of that area and its environs for a fee. You could also use bus rides if you are running out of time and need to maximize and internalize as much as you would love to get. Guided tours are a great option if you want to learn facts and not miss out on the most obvious spots out there.
This view is so majestic! Also, it wasn't meant to be here but I just loved it and decided it should grace this blog.

5. Make use of Google Maps

When all else fails, although I doubt that could happen, give Google Maps a try. In all honesty, that trusty application has really made my life easier. Especially when directing someone gets a little too hard and the nitty-gritty details can be missed without an aide such as G-maps!

Of course there are other ways to traverse your way through this oh-so beautiful city but I chose these five quick ones I have learnt in just about a year of living here. Feel free to add other ideas you have learnt to find your way around the city.

That's it for now, until next time,

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Ps: Pictures and words by me unless stated otherwise.

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